Rob Taylor

Occupation: Director of Services, Southbend

Favorite Sweet Potato Dish:  Sweet Potato Bites

Why Sweet Feet? The health benefits of sweet potato and the benefits to runners (race prep and recovery) really intrigued me.  Also, I grew up on a farm in Eastern NC so it was right up my ally, so to speak.

Favorite Race: The Chicago Marathon, which I’ll be running on October 7th.

What got me running: Running is a great way to stay active and healthy and participating in races is such a great motivation milestone.  The running community is full of great folks that keep each other motivated.

A little about me: I graduated NC State Engineering in the mid-90’s, enjoy being outdoors and running.   When I’m not running, I also enjoy playing acoustic guitar and playing live music.  I live in Clayton with my wife of 21 years and my 2 children.